Jesse Williams, the actor who plays Dr. Avery on Grey's Anatomy, is one of the leading fan choices for Finnick Odair in Catching Fire. And recently, the actor spoke with E! Online about the matter. Read what he had to say below!
“I have heard that! I’ve seen a lot of that on Twitter,” Jesse told us when we asked him if he’d caught wind of the fan campaign. “I didn’t know what the heck a Finnick was when I was getting a lot of the questions about it.”
“I’ve since been educated, and that’s fun. People are really, really excited about it,” Williams explained about his casting potential. “There’s a website that’s dedicated to it—Jesse for Finnick. It’s kind of taking on a mind of its own. People are creative about that kind of stuff, and now I’ll try to figure out if that’s something that’s interesting to me.”
“It certainly is a big, successful project, and I read the first book, which was great,” he revealed to us. “In this day and age, I think it matters what the fans think and they envision certain things.”
So, what do you guys think? Is he how you envisioned Finnick? Sound off on the comments below or mention us on Twitter: @TheHungerGamers!
Source: E! Online
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