

August 03, 2012

VIDEO: New Hunger Games DVD Extra - Jennifer Lawrence learns how to climb a tree

EW has another exclusive behind-the-scenes clip from The Hunger Games DVD Extras that shows how Jennifer Lawrence learned how to climb a tree.
As if anyone needed more proof that Jennifer Lawrence is tough as nails, check out this EW exclusive clip from the special features of the Blu-ray/DVD ofThe Hunger Games, where viewers can take a behind-the-scenes look at how Lawrence trained for Katniss, and why the crew made her her own climbing gym. 
Inside scoop: The knots on the tree in her training gym became the same as the ones in the movie so Lawrence could accurately practice her climb — complete with a harness, of course.
The video isn't embeddable. So head over to or click the image below to watch.
The Hunger Games Blu-ray/DVD available in stores August 18th.


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