Her Hunger Games co-star Woody Harrelson calls Lawrence, simply, “a hell of a gal. I think it has to do with the way a person was raised. She was raised well. Her folks are really cool. A lot of times when people lose their head when they get famous, it’s because they’re insecure. She’s not insecure. You’d think arrogance comes from thinking too much of themselves. But it comes from thinking too little. She doesn’t need to put on any airs. Her folks, her family, are all very important to her and she’s always including them in her life. Her friends are really cool people. She’s got her head screwed on pretty good.”
Yet for all her fearlessness, Lawrence did exhibit some neuroses. One thing that amused Harrelson during the filming of the second Hunger Games installment, Catching Fire: Lawrence’s very vocal arachnophobia.
“We had this real-looking spider. Josh (Hutcherson) came up behind her with the spider. She started screaming at the top of her lungs. We were on a big stage and she ran out screaming,” says Harrelson, still laughing about the incident. “She’s the funniest woman I know. I’m in a perpetual state of laughter with her, which is a pretty good way to be on set.”
You can read the entire article HERE.
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