Are we there yet? Every year, I await fall breathlessly, even impatiently. It’s a season of bounty, filled with brisk mornings that beg for a robust spirit and the maternal embrace of a warm, wool sweater. (I can’t wait to slip into my Isabel Benenato leather leggings!) Our cover girl Katniss Everdeen—the huntress with a heart of gold—personifies autumn. Her surprising strength and innate nobility has always transfixed us in the Capitol. (We also feel a surge of respect for the brave and hard toiling citizens of coal mining District 12.) And now, with the Quarter Quell nearing, we see a new side of the girl on fire: an icy determination that makes her even more of an icon to all of us.
This fall issue brings you an intimate profile of Katniss, along with an introduction to the designer—Maria Dora—who created her fantastic cowl. You’ll meet our new party reporter Kaysa Minox, a fixture on the society circuit, and learn about the new Capitol Couture art contest. Are you the next Salvador Dali? Oh and I have to call out our brilliant design team for using the most advanced technology (Web GL) to create our dynamic, animated 3D cover.
In the coming weeks, Capitol Couture will be highlighting the most exclusive happenings in the city—from the bevy of pre-Games parties to victor publicity tours. Expect an all access tour of President Snow’s glorious Georgian mansion and a first look at the couture on the red carpets. Of course, we’ll also bring you up-to-the-nanosecond coverage of what’s fresh in fashion, beauty, design and culture. Be relevant. Be chic. Be Capitol.
Monica Corcoran Harel
Here's Capitol Couture's profile on Katniss:
District 12’s stunning tribute comes on strong.
by Monica Corcoran Harel
For most of us, a year passes without huge consequence. We grow a bit older, vow to appreciate more. But for Katniss Everdeen, life shifted seismically last fall. A simple girl with a knitted braid and flair with a bow selflessly shouted, “I volunteer!” and went on to ignite our city with a newfound spirit. And while she may be known as “the girl on fire,” we all know that this Victor’s flame is internal, if not eternal. Everdeen smolders, yet there is little smoke.
On the day of our exclusive photo shoot, for instance, she arrives four minutes early and treats everyone with respect. Unlike past cover divas, Everdeen demands no over-the-top amenities like albino caviar crepes or a 24K gold-leafed footstool. (Um, yes we have yielded to such requests in the past.) When our stylist hurries in with a rack of custom gowns from couture designers such asLanvin and Balenciaga, Everdeen smiles and points to her leather duffel bag. “I’m all set,” she says and then adds, “Thanks to Cinna, of course.”
What she ultimately slips on for the cover portrait is a cool, gray leather jacket from sister and brother design team Nicholas K. with an intricately knit scarf by Maria Dora. The quintessential autumnal look is organic, powerful and ruggedly sexy—the flipside to over-the-top fashion choices made by Victors we have profiled in the past years. Many of them longed to show a softer side, perhaps in a gambit to disarm their allies. Or maybe they just yearned for a taste of unbridled glamour?
It’s just like Everdeen to downplay the VIP pomp that comes with Capitol celebrity though. Her District 12 roots call to mind such stoicism. This is a young woman who once stated, “I am not pretty. I am not beautiful. I am as radiant as the sun.” A year later, that shine is only brighter and stronger. And like the fiery planet in the center of the solar system, Everdeen has become Panem’s most valuable natural resource.

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