

October 26, 2014

INTERVIEW: Jennifer Lawrence Talks About Wrapping Up 'The Hunger Games' Film Series, Hints At 'Mockingjay' Split

Cineplex Magazine has an exclusive 3-page interview with our lead actress - Jennifer Lawrence in their November 2014 issue. In the new issue, Jennifer shares some insights into her acting tactics - particularly in her portrayal of our Katniss Everdeen, discusses their emotional wrap up of The Hunger Games film series, and hints at where The Hunger Games: Mockingjay films will be split.

jennifer lawrence mockingjay split cineplex
On her mannerisms when portraying Katniss Everdeen:
“I borrowed from men, mostly, who were quieter than me…I know that’s a weird thing to say but I never really channelled a woman for Katniss. I was the only feminine part of Katniss and I felt like that was enough because I’m not very feminine anyway.”
On their emotional moment upon wrapping up The Hunger Games films:
“On the last night we all laid and held each other like puppies. We all just felt how strong the relationship was and how strong the bond was that we’d developed over the years. We’ve shared so many pivotal points in our lives together. It’s really something that all of the people around us can’t relate to, it’s us looking out at it. It’s a very unique experience.”
On where Mockingjay will be split and how Mockingjay Part 1 is going to end:
“Oh God, I don’t want to tell you that. It’s a really great ending, and you guys are going to be pissed.“
What do you think she means by this Tributes? I think it's pretty obvious now that the ending of Mockingjay Part 1 is going to be a major cliffhanger (as if Catching Fire's ending wasn't enough). Any ideas on where Mockingjay might be split? Let us know in the comments.

 You can read the whole article online or in pdf form by clicking the links.


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