Lawrence stars opposite Elizabeth Shue as Elissa and Sarah, a daughter and mother who, after moving into a new home, stumble upon the horrendous past of their handsome yet cryptic next-door neighbor Mark. Max Thieriot (Chloe) plays this young man whose presence has been disturbing the locals since his sister slaughtered their parents before taking off into the woods and vanishung.I can't wait for this one. It sounds pretty interesting. I'm totally in, with any movie that Jennifer is going to be in. She's one of the best actresses in this generation. Katniss Everdeen. Enough said.
Despite Mark’s spooky reputation and ostracized social status, Elissa begins a friendly relationship with him, bonding over a shared understanding of familial secrets. Of course, her absent father’s rocker lifestyle and mother’s overcompensating sense of parenting doesn’t really compare to Mark’s family baggage, and before long she uncovers more of his family’s shocking secrets.
Source: Cinema Blend
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