

September 27, 2013

OFFICIAL: Kim and Misty Ormiston officially cast as Leeg 1 & Leeg 2 in 'The Hunger Games: Mockingjay'

Another official Mockingjay casting news, Hunger Games fans! Lionsgate has announced today that Kim and Misty Ormiston have been officially cast as Leeg 1 and Leeg 2 in the film adaptation, which will be split into two parts, of The Hunger Games trilogy's conclusion (3rd book) - Mockingjay!

Leeg 1 and Leeg 2 are described in the book as soldiers who fight in the rebellion from District 13. They are young women, in their twenties, who served under Commander Boggs in Squad 451. The sisters look so similar in appearance to one another while in uniform that they are referred to as Leeg 1 and Leeg 2 by the Squad for clarity. Katniss admits that she has difficulty telling them apart, until she notices that Leeg 1 has "weird yellow flecks in her eyes." (via wikia)

If you haven't been catching up with the latest casting news for Mockingjay, click these links:

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