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Here's a transcript of the Mockingjay Part 1 script:
INT. CORRIDOR OUTSIDE COMMAND – D13 – MOMENTS LATER Katniss walks quickly, and Boggs moves alongside her. Her fists are clenched. He notices her angry tears. On his normally implacable face, it’s obvious he’s not used to displays of emotion. He’s certainly not used to anyone like Katniss. INT. COIN’S MEETING ROOM – COMMAND – D13 – MOMENTS LATER PRESIDENT COIN Maybe you should have rescued the boy instead. PLUTARCH No, no – listen to me: there’s no one else who can do this. PRESIDENT COIN I don’t see how she’s going to be any use to us. PLUTARCH Make it personal for her. Remind her who the enemy is. PRESIDENT COIN We explained all that – PLUTARCH There’s explaining and there’s showing. Let her see what the Capitol did to Twelve. PRESIDENT COIN She can’t handle that: she’s not even capable of listening. PLUTARCH What other option do you have? People don’t always show up how you want them to be, Madame President. But that anger – it’s what we want. We need to unite people out there who’ve done nothing but kill each other in the arena for seventy-five years. We can’t do that without a lightning rod. The people will follow her. She’s the face of this revolution. Let her see it, let her see her home. (a beat) It’ll put some color back in those cheeks.
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