

December 19, 2012

NEWS: Lionsgate files lawsuit over the 'Mockingjay' Pin

In a new article from The Hollywood Reporter, we learned that Lionsgate has filed a lawsuit against an alleged counterfeiter, a company called Yagoozon who is allegedly using the Mockingjay pin without proper payment negotiations with Lionsgate.
Lionsgate Entertainment is suing an alleged Hunger Gamescounterfeiter who hasn’t paid proper tribute to the studio. 
In a lawsuit that has been filed in California federal court, the studio is targeting a company, Yagoozon, that seemingly does most of its business selling novelties on The big item in question is a “Mockingjay Pin.” 
It’s no ordinary item. A version of this pin was used on the cover of Suzanne Collins book and also is central to the recently introduced official poster for the next film in the trilogy – The Hunger Games: Catchng Fire. 
According to the 160-page complaint — full of colorful pictures and trademark applications — Lionsgate has licensed to third parties the rights to sell various items and merchandise. Among the licensees is the National Entertainment Collectibles Association, which sellsHunger Games calendars, card games, action figures, bookmarks, board games, bags, watches, necklaces, earrings, bracelets, and yes, a replica of the Mockingjay Pin.
The lawsuit says that in March and April, 2012, the defendants attempted to purchase merchandise from NECA, which refused the request.


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